
Archive for April, 2014

This weekend culminated into SEVERAL simultaneous events and I was forced to choose amongst them.

For starters , my eldest son’s acceptance to Morehouse College (Atlanta, Ga) means that he must (should) attend the annual “Accepted Students Weekend.” Since a parent must attend as well, guess where I am? This weekend is also the annual VCU Alumni Reunion weekend in Richmond, VA. Guess where I am not?

Oh, it gets fun…Tonight, my two older sons are escorts at a black tie event in Baltimore, MD. Guess who’s driving them there to make sure all is well? Sunday morning, I preach the word at church at 10am, then pick up the sons in Baltimore, drop them off at home, then I am off to Dulles International Airport to travel to Europe for a job-related assignment. I return to the states on Good Friday. Oh, since I have been gone over the past couple of days juggling priorities, I do have to stop by the office for a couple of hours to prepare for the European trip.

Did I mention picking up taxes today? Oops…need to do that too and sign and mail them by the 15th.

Hears the good news…I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! – Phil 4:13

You can too!!


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